Saxophone lessons online

In the pandemic period, many have experienced home office, perhaps spent quite a few hours in online meetings, even online sports classes.

Live saxophone lessons have been back to normal for some time now, but I continue to offer online private lessons.

Maybe the distances are too long, or an online appointment between two meetings is easier to fit in than an on-site appointment with me in Schwedenstraße?

Why not try online saxophone lessons?

The music lessons in this way is a possibility to make music even in your own 4 walls, to get back into it with professional guidance, to continue what you have learned, to deepen it and to get new impulses.
Possible for lessons in saxophone, recorder or flute.

Maybe it sounds strange on the 1st impression to sit in front of a camera and play something. I can report from quite a few of my students of their experiences that the initial fear of contact with it quickly disappears and then the instrument and making music are in the foreground.


A few points about the content of online classes:

The delay in online transmission (which has been in case with all video calling services) makes playing together in real-time challenging.

For this reason, in advance or in the post-processing of each lesson, I send individually made playbacks to current pieces, to improvise, send melodies played by me on the saxophone for review and to play along myself at home. In addition, I mail new pieces or additional exercises, and in this way continue to offer lessons individually adapted to the student. (= reason for somewhat shorter lessons)

+ Microphone and loudspeaker (built into laptops, tablets, cell phones), otherwise external webcam

+ possibly a headset, but not necessarily

+ Zoom

+ Stable internet connection

+ For playing and playing along with playbacks during the lesson, it’s advised to use separate speaker setups for Zoom and the playbacks. This can be done through a music system, Bluetooth speaker, external speakers, etc.

+ Own metronome

+ Pencil and sheet of paper for notes, template circle of fifths

+ Music stand near the camera


If you are interested in a trial lesson or have questions to my offers, feel free to reach out to me at 0172/ 573 84 45 or 030/44 04 25 83 or you can email me at